Trinity Temple Young Adults

You will experience a laid back environment designed specifically with young adults in mind. Come early to hang out, grab a coffee and connect with other people.

We know that good relationships are critical so our focus is to provide great environments where great friendships can form.

Trinity Temple Young Adults

Our Trinity Temple Young Adults Ministry exists to carry young adults on a spiritual journey to love God and the local church.

Young Adult Ministry Leadership

The Bible says, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” This is the great commission spoken by Jesus Himself. In other words, Jesus Christ is commissioning His followers to go into the entire world and reproduce believers. This is a big calling.

Young Adult Ministry Leader at Trinity Temple - church in grandview kansas city

Elder Kevin Lambert

Young Adult Ministry Leader at Trinity Temple - church in grandview kansas city

Amaya Barnes

Young Adult Ministry Leader at Trinity Temple - church in grandview kansas city

Brittney Jennings

Collegiate Ministry

Trinity Temple Collegiate Ministry

Collegiate Leaders

Trinity Temple Collegiate Ministry Leaders

Sandy Jeffries



Trinity Temple Collegiate Ministry Leaders

Erica Crenshaw

C³, which stands for Christian Collegiates Connected, is a virtual service held via Zoom that allows Christian college students to engage in personal Bible study together.

The sessions will be held every Sunday at 8:00 PM CST from  September 1st through May 11th.

Meeting ID: 897 8329 4547
Passcode: JESUS

Collegiate Sunday School Class
Sundays at 9:30 AM

Join us on Sundays for fellowship with other college students in the area.

We’ll Pick You Up

We provide transportation to the Trinity Temple service every week. Join us at the designated locations at your campus.

Avala College at 9:30 AM at Carondelet Hall

UMKC at 10 AM Student Union