Trinity Men’s Ministry

Men's Ministry at Trinity Temple

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Men’s Ministry is the active pursuit of men in order to connect them to God, His Word, and other men for the purpose of winning, growing and training God’s man in Christ.

Our vision is to equip men to live out God’s view of manhood and empowered to be better husbands, fathers, and leaders.


We have events throughout the year for men to gather to discover their purpose.


Great friendships are a key to a great life and the men’s ministry is a great place to get connected.


No matter where you are in life, there is a better story that you can live as you pursue God’s plan.

Men’s Ministry Leadership

Men's Ministry leader at Trinity Temple Church Grandview Kansas City

Mark Smith

Men's Ministry leader at Trinity Temple Church Grandview Kansas City

Edward Tate

Men's Ministry leader at Trinity Temple Church Grandview Kansas City

James Caldwell

Men's Ministry leader at Trinity Temple Church Grandview Kansas City

James Bradford


The men of Trinity gather as a large group a few times a year to fellowship, worship and get inspired.

Life Groups

We were not made to walk through this life alone. We were made to journey with others. Groups meet throughout the week.

We are better together • Don’t do life alone